
无法将插件主机添加到 SC


  • SnapCenter 服务器(SC) 4.4 >
  • 用户访问控制( UAC )
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • 正在使用的用户帐户是主机的本地用户,也是管理员组的成员,但不称为管理员


SC UI 无法添加插件主机,并报告以下错误消息:
The host  is not accessible with the specified credentials. You must ensure that the following conditions are met:
  • The credential has administrator privileges for the plug-in host.Elevated privileges are required for local user accounts.
  • The required ports are open between SnapCenter Server and the plug-in host if the firewall is enabled. For more information on ports, see SnapCenter Installation and Setup Guide.

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