- Views:
- 1
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx<a>策略</a><a>资源组</a><a>2009-2007</a>
- Last Updated:
- SnapCenter 服务器( SC )所有版本
- 适用于Microsoft Exchange Server的SnapCenter 插件(SCE)所有版本
- DAG节点已添加为独立主机
- 保存新创建的资源组(Resource Group、RG)时、SC UI中出现错误:
Failed to create resource group: Failed to create or modify schedules. Error:Unable to connect to the remote server
- 中出现错误
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_29769 PID=[8604] TID=[10] Enter CreateProtectionGroup
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_29769 PID=[8604] TID=[10] Basic: HTTPS URL : https://DAG_host_FQDN:8145/SMCorePolicyService/CreatePolicy
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_29769 PID=[8604] TID=[10] Invoke: Response Data: ****************************
Unable to connect to the remote server