调用Get-clone时、SnapCenter SMCore出现OutOfMemoryException
- SnapCenter
- 适用于SQL的SnapCenter 插件[SCSQL/]
- Microsoft Internet信息服务(IIS)
- SnapCenter 克隆生命周期作业会生成较高的CPU/RAM利用率并导致IIS池回收事件
- SnapCenter 图形用户界面报告以下内容:
"We noticed an IIS application pool recycle event when this job was in progress. The final state of this job is unknown.
Consider restarting the job if required
- SnapCenter 服务器上的事件日志报告以下内容
Warning Microsoft-Windows-WAS 5010 A process serving application pool 'SnapCenter' failed to respond to a ping. The process id was '12320'.
Information Control Manager 7036 The WMI Performance Adapter service entered the stopped state.
Warning Microsoft-Windows-WAS 5010 A process serving application pool 'SnapCenter' failed to respond to a ping. The process id was '10096'.