由于“异步调用 Dosnapshotset ”超时而导致 SnapManager for Exchange 备份失败
- Microsoft Windows 2008/2012 单机版 / 数据库可用性组 (DAG)
- SnapManager for Exchange ( SME ) 7.1/7.2
- SnapDrive for Windows ( SDW ) 7.1.x
在 SME 中执行备份操作期间、创建快照过程报告超时时间为 600 秒( 10 分钟)。
- 备份报告:
[19:01:55.671] Starting asynchronous DoSnapshotSet. Please wait... [19:01:56.685] Operation pending, please wait...(1) [19:11:54.964] Operation pending, please wait...(119) [19:11:55.978] Asynchronous call DoSnapshotSet timed out! [19:11:55.978] The call for DoSnapshotSet was cancelled. [19:11:55.978] Failed to perform VSS snapshot, aborting... [19:11:56.181] Backup is aborted.
- MS 事件日志:
Information SnapManager for Exchange 200 SnapManager VSS asynchronous DoSnapshotSet operation timed out after 600 seconds. The operation was cancelled.