
无法通过NetApp Cloud Manager激活适用于Oracle应用程序的SnapCenter 一致备份作业


  • NetApp SnapCenter 4.6
  • SnapCenter for Oracle (SCO)备份
  • NetApp Cloud Manager与AWS集成  


尝试在Cloud Manager中激活备份时、这些备份显示为 Unprotected


Failed to protect volume name: vol1, volume uuid: XXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-TTTT-XXXXXXXXXXXX, svm name: svm1.example.local, svm uuid: 11a222b33-112c-33d1-dd44-00a11223344, and application ID: yy11z1xyzzx0ss111t11111r1c with error: The volume does not exist in any of the working environments for volume name: vol1, volume uuid: XXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-TTTT-XXXXXXXXXXXX, svm name:svm1.example.local, and svm uuid:11a222b33-112c-33d1-dd44-00a11223344 


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