附加资源组后、SnapCenter 无法删除策略
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- 3
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- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx<a>SnapCenter 服务器</a><a>删除策略</a>
- Last Updated:
SnapCenter 服务器( SC )所有版本
- 尝试删除策略失败、并显示错误:
“Failed – This policy has Resource Group attached. Please detach the policy from Resource Group before removing the policy”
。 - 尝试使用PowerShell (PS)命令删除策略时、可能还会看到以下错误
Remove-SmPolicy -PolicyNames -force -Confirm:$false
See the inner exception for details. InnerException Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`nsm`.`nsm_datasetverificationconfig`, CONSTRAINT `FK_nsm_DatasetVerificationConfig_nsm_Policy` FOREIGN KEY (`nsm_Policy_Id`) REFERENCES `nsm_Policy` (`nsm_Policy_Id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON U)