强制MetroCluster切换后、SnapCenter Oracle备份失败
- 适用于Oracle数据库的SnapCenter插件(SCO) 4.9P1
- MetroCluster (MCC)
- SnapCenter UI:
Activity (Storage Discovery) of Workflow (SnapMgrCoreService.SmJobActivity), Failed with error: Failed to fetch the storage system details. Make sure the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is added for the resources: <Volume_Path> and it is resolving to the correct IP address.
- <JobID>_SMC.log <Date_Time>:
DEBUG SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] --SnapshotManagementServiceProvider::GetFileInfo
ERROR SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] Unable to determine file info for the path: <Volume_Path>.
ERROR SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] Error in GetVolumesOptimized:GatherNfsExportVolumeDetails
Unable to determine file info for the path: <Volume_Path>.
DEBUG SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] --GetVolumesOptimizedStrategy::GatherNfsExportVolumeDetails
WARN SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx]
Message : Error in GetVolumesOptimized:GatherNfsExportVolumeDetails
Unable to determine file info for the path: <Volume_Path>.
ERROR SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] Exception in method: Execute.
System.Exception: Failed to fetch the storage system details. Make sure the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is added for the resources: <Volume_Path> and it is resolving to the correct IP address.
at SnapMgrCoreService.Workflows.Common.SMOStorageResolutionActivity.ResolveHostResources(SmDiscoverResourcesResponse resources, SmJob job, Dictionary`2 storageResourceMapping, SmRequest requestBase)
at SnapMgrCoreService.Workflows.Common.SMOStorageResolutionActivity.Execute(SmWorkflowContext workflowContext, SmRequest request) : Detailed Exception Failed to fetch the storage system details. Make sure the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is added for the resources: <Volume_Path> and it is resolving to the correct IP address. : BaseException System.Exception: Failed to fetch the storage system details. Make sure the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is added for the resources: <Volume_Path> and it is resolving to the correct IP address.
at SnapMgrCoreService.Workflows.Common.SMOStorageResolutionActivity.ResolveHostResources(SmDiscoverResourcesResponse resources, SmJob job, Dictionary`2 storageResourceMapping, SmRequest requestBase)
at SnapMgrCoreService.Workflows.Common.SMOStorageResolutionActivity.Execute(SmWorkflowContext workflowContext, SmRequest request)
ERROR SMCore_<JobID> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxxx] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to fetch the storage system details. Make sure the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) is added for the resources: <Volume_Path> and it is resolving to the correct IP address.)
- 对受影响的卷运行ONTAP命令行界面命令"File-Directory show"将返回以下错误:
<Cluster_Name>::*> File-directory show -vserver <SVM_Name> -path <Volume_Path>
(vserver security file-directory show)
Error: show failed: The specified path "<Volume_Path>" cannot be used. Reason: No such file or directory.
- 在ONTAP系统管理器中查看受影响的卷时、不会显示任何文件或目录、并显示以下错误:
No such file or directory