SnapCenter Exchange 备份无法重命名 VSS 快照条目不存在
- SnapCenter Exchange 插件 (SCE)
Activity 'Renaming VSS Snapshot' failed with error: Rename snapshot '{<snapshot_UUID>}' failed:
The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop:
entry doesn't exist.
此外,这些卷的 ONTAP EMS 日志显示了实际已成功创建快照的情况,其中包括:
[<NODE>: svc_queue_thread: wafl.snap.delete:info]: Snapshot copy {<snapshot_UUID>} on volume <vol>@vserver:<vserver_UUID>
NetApp was deleted by the Data ONTAP function ods_multicreate (cleanup).
The unique ID for this Snapshot copy is (<snap_id>, 0).