用于 SAP Hana 备份的安全数据库连接
适用于 SAP HANA 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCHANA )
向 SAP HANA 添加额外的 SSL 参数时,备份将失败,并显示以下hdbsql
This command fails with error: [/hana/shared/HEA/hdbclient/hdbsql -U HEABACKUP -e -sslprovider commoncrypto -sslkeystore /usr/sap/HEA/HDB20/hdb20hea-001/sec/sapsrv.pse -ssltruststore /usr/sap/HEA/HDB20/hdb20hea-001/sec/sapsrv.pse -sslhostnameincert hvm034: Command not found.].
Set valid HDBSQL_CMD for the SAP HANA plug-in on this host using "Set-SmConfigSettings -Plugin -HostName hostname -PluginCode hana ?configSettings @{"HANA_HDBSQL_CMD"="path_to_HDBSQL_CMD"} " PowerShell cmdlet from SnapCenter Server.
[2020-03-20 13:12:56,017] ERROR:
[] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [hana] failed with error [] and exit code [1], Exiting!