

Last Updated:


  • SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server ( SMSQL ) 7.2.3
  • 适用于Windows的SnapDrive (SCW) 7.1.5
  • 原始设备映射(RDM)


  • SMSQL无法通过""验证备份Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping
  • 备份报告显示SMSQL无法挂载快照、并显示错误"Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping"。

示例:[<HOST>] Starting SDAPI mount snapshot...
[<HOST>] Preparing LUN '<PATH>', for SDAPI operation...
[<HOST>] Mounting snapshot: <SNAPSHOT>
[<HOST>] Snapshot mount failed.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Failed to create disk in virtual machine, Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID>.

[<HOST>] SDAPI failed to mount snapshot.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Failed to create disk in virtual machine, Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID>.

[<HOST>] Error Code: 0x80004005 
Unspecified error

  • Snpdrvdbg.log 显示""Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping并显示错误代码 0x80004005

PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   FCPVdisk.cpp@4091      CFCPVdisk::CreateRawDeviceMapping() Lun Path=<LUN_PATH> : FilerName:<VSERVER_NAME>
PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   FCPVdisk.cpp@4093      CFCPVdisk::CreateRawDeviceMapping() Lun Serial No=<LUN_SERIAL_NO>
PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   FCPVdisk.cpp@4095      CFCPVdisk::CreateRawDeviceMapping() DataStore name=<DATASTORE>
PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   FCPVdisk.cpp@4121      Failed to Add the virtual Disk through raw device mapping, , error code: '0x80004005', error description: 'Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID>'

PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   localerror.cpp@82      Is_VDS_ITF_Error(): false.
PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   localerror.cpp@94      Is_WMI_ITF_Error(): false.
PID:<PID>   TID:<TID>   FCPVdisk.cpp@4123      Failed to create disk in virtual machine, Failed to Map virtual disk: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID>.
 HRESULT 0xc00403e3.


  • VirtualizationAPI.log 显示""Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false

VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 :   <TIMESTAMP> PID:<PID> TID:<TID> @-1  Finish CEsxServer::GetLunInformation() returned False
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 :   <TIMESTAMP> PID:<PID> TID:<TID> @-1  CEsxServer::MapVirtualDisk() - GetLunInformation returned invalid entries:Lun Serial No:<LUN_SERIAL_NO>,LunID:<LUNID>
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 :   <TIMESTAMP> PID:<PID> TID:<TID> @-1  CEsxServer::MapVirtualDisk() -  Name : Exception Message : Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID> Trace : VirtualizationAPI.CEsxServer.MapVirtualDisk(String strLunSerialNo, UInt32 nLunId, String strDataStoreName, String strFilerName, UInt64 nSizeInKB, Boolean bRDMFileSpecified, String strRDMFileName, Boolean bShared, EnumAdapterType eAdapterType, String strInitiatorName, UInt32& nControllerKey)Datastore :<DATASTORE>
VirtualizationAPILog Critical: 1 :   <TIMESTAMP> PID:<PID> TID:<TID> @-1  CVirtualServer::MapVirtualDisk() - Failed to Add virtual disk: Exception message: Error Adding Raw Device Mapping -GetLunInformation returned false-<LUN_SERIAL_NO><LUNID>


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