SMBR挂载SdSnapshot失败、并显示错误"Failed to set the LUN signature"
- SnapCenter 服务器(SC) 4.6P1
- 适用于Microsoft Exchange Server的SnapCenter 插件(SCE) 4.6P1
- 单邮箱恢复( SMBR ) 8.3
- ONTAP 9.10.1
- 在SMBR中挂载快照时、请参见
Command Mount-SdSnapshot failed
备份选择窗口中的错误 - 挂载可在手动克隆和挂载快照时运行
- SMBR中出现错误
INFO ao - Set Command Mount-SdSnapshot parameters: -Path <SVM:vol_path> -Snapshot <Snapshot_name> -Host <Hostname> -MountPath <Mountpath>
ERROR ao - Command execution error: FullyQualifiedErrorId: 102,SnapDrive.Client.PSModule.MountSdSnapshotException message: Failed to mount the Snapshot copy.Failed to mount the resource: <SVM:vol_path> from snapshot: <Snapshot_name> Failed to set the LUN signature.
entry doesn't exist