

Last Updated:


  • 适用于Windows的SnapCenter 插件(SCW)
  • 共享磁盘


尝试初始化非集群所有者节点上的磁盘时、SnapCenter 共享磁盘创建操作失败、并显示以下错误:
SCW_XXXX.log (在集群所有者主机上)
2022-12-19T11:19:35.4492007-05:00 Verbose SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] ++CmdletDiskManagementStrategy::InitializeDisk
2022-12-19T11:19:35.4502017-05:00 Verbose SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] ++CmdletDiskManagementStrategy::CreateRunspace
2022-12-19T11:19:35.4502017-05:00 Verbose SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] Creating remote runspace
2022-12-19T11:19:35.5725582-05:00 Verbose SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] --CmdletDiskManagementStrategy::CreateRunspace
2022-12-19T11:19:35.6045810-05:00 Error SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] Failed to initialize the disk: error = Connecting to remote server <SERVER_NAME> failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error occurred while using Kerberos authentication: The computer <SERVER_NAME> is unknown to Kerberos. Verify that the computer exists on the network, that the name provided is spelled correctly, and that the Kerberos configuration for accessing the computer is correct. The most common Kerberos configuration issue is that an SPN with the format HTTP/<SERVER_NAME> is not configured for the target. If Kerberos is not required, specify the Negotiate authentication mechanism and resubmit the operation. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
2022-12-19T11:19:35.6055820-05:00 Verbose SDW PID=[15220] TID=[16356] --CmdletDiskManagementStrategy::InitializeDisk

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