SCV 无法在 NSM MySQL 存储库中注册 SnapVault
- 适用于 VMware vSphere ( SCV ) 4.5 的 SnapCenter 插件
- SnapVault
- 选择控制器无法在 NSM MySQL 存储库中注册成功的备份和 SnapVault 作业
- 在 SCV UI 中的作业详细信息中显示错误:
Failed to store the secondary update status of the resources. Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details
- 作业中出现错误
[INF] Resource [1], SnapVault update status is Success
[INF] Calling server to register the secondary update status.
[INF] Found match <Destination_SVM_FQDN>,<Destination_SVM_DisplayName>
[DBG] Incoming count: 4 & Returned count: 4
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to store the secondary update status of the resources. Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.)