由于名称解析问题描述, SCV 任务 " 发现资源 " 失败
适用于VMware vSphere的SnapCenter 插件(SCV) 4.4或更高版本
- SCV 备份作业无法发现资源,并显示错误:
The backup job <Job_ID> has completed on primary
Status: failed
Task failures
Task 'Discovering Resources' failed with error: Unable to discover resources on SCV: Failed to get the storage system for host resource : Name : /<NFS_VOLUME>, Type: SDNASDir
- 在与备份作业不同的时间
2021-07-21 09:45:50.566 +00:00 [WRN] [Storage] [TID:11] [RID:] [CID:] [JID:-1] Failed to resolve <IP_ADDRESS> byHostEntry, Exception:System.Net.Internals.SocketExceptionFactory+ExtendedSocketException (00000005, 0xFFFDFFFF): Name or service not known
at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address)
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.Infrastructure.Storage.NetworkResourceIdCache.ResolveWithDns(String hostName)