- 适用于Microsoft SQL Server的SnapCenter插件(SCSQL) 4.8P1
- 适用于Windows的SnapCenter插件(SCW) 4.8P1
- 适用于VMware vSphere的SnapCenter插件(SCV) 4.8
- 还原位于二级存储(SnapMirror / SnapVault)上的SCSQL备份失败。
- 从二级存储(SnapMirror / SnapVault)上的SCSQL备份 克隆会导致 克隆选项 屏幕上的从备份克隆向导挂起。
ERROR SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] mount snapshot failed Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
DEBUG SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] Exception in clone storage Mount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
ERROR SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Mount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
DEBUG SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] Activity name: Cloning snapshot <Snapshot_Name>: -1 - Mount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
ERROR SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] Exception in PerformClone Mount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
ERROR SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] Exception in CloneVirtualandStorageResource Failed to clone resources, error isMount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
ERROR SMCore_<Job_ID> PID=[5256] TID=[299] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Failed to clone resources, error isMount operation failed with error Failed to mount storage resource, error is None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.
Error SAL PID=[5256] TID=[12060] None of the host initiators <Initiator1_WWPN><Initiator2_WWPN1><iSCSI_Target> are logged into the controller. Resolution: Please make sure the supplied inititators are logged in.