SCO发现资源失败、并显示错误"String index out of range:-50 (字符串索引超出范围:-50)"
- 适用于Oracle数据库的SnapCenter插件(SCO) 4.8
- 适用于Oracle数据库的SnapCenter插件4.9
- 适用于Oracle数据库5.0的SnapCenter插件
- 适用于Oracle数据库6.0的SnapCenter插件
- 主机<HOSTNAME>的SCO作业发现资源失败、并显示错误:
PL-SCO-20025: Discovery of database instances failed with error: String index out of range: -50.
- 此时将显示从资源上的Ocoracle数据库视图中选择数据库屏幕
There is no match for your search or data is not available.
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000917Z DEBUG Execution Monitor Thread [sudo /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/sc_command_executor oracle '""'] c.n.c.e.ShellResult - EXE-00001: Shell result [0:00:00.077] (Exit Value: 1):
stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000917Z DEBUG qtp1132937504-40 c.n.o.c.c.NonRootConfiguration - Login Banner Output : stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000920Z DEBUG qtp1132937504-40 c.n.c.l.MessageBundle - Loading resource bundle from oracle-core for
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000923Z DEBUG qtp1132937504-40 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - Entering method findAllDatabaseInstances with the parameters Empty input.
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000923Z DEBUG qtp1132937504-40 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - Completed method findAllDatabaseInstances with the return parameters Empty output.
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000925Z DEBUG qtp1132937504-40 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - failed to complete method findAllDatabaseInstances with JVM free memory 1.7 GB and used memory 350.7 MB.
2024-10-04T00:36:25.0000926Z ERROR qtp1132937504-40 c.n.o.c.s.d.DiscoveryService - An exception thrown during the execution of method findAllDatabaseInstances and the exception message is String index out of range: -50.
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -50