MetroCluster 切换后 NDB/SCV 备份失败
- NetApp 数据代理( NDB ) 1.x
- 适用于 VMware vSphere 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCV )
- MetroCluster ( MCC )
- 备份无法启动、 NDB 作业日志中出现错误:
[ERR] Error: Lookup of storage system for target name failed
[DBG] Looking up SAL plugin provider for storage id:<SVM_name>-mc.
- 如果存在 SnapMirror 更新,则可能是子作业中的此错误:
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s). Error: No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered and host can resolve them correctly.)
[ERR] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find SnapMirror destination for the source volume(s))