从 SCV 4.1.1 迁移到 NDB 或 SCV 4.3 失败,并显示错误:找不到主机( IP_ADDR )
- NetApp 数据代理( NDB ) 1.x
- 适用于 VMware vSphere 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCV ) 4.3 及更高版本
尝试从 OVA 将 SCV 4.1.1 数据迁移到新安装的 VMware 插件的 IP 地址失败,并显示:
ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Add-Host failed with reason : Failed to register host <IP-ADDR>. Error: Failed to find host (<IP_ADDR>). Verify if the host is up and running and check the DNS and firewall settings. No such host is known.. Please add the host <IP_ADDR> and activate App backup jobs manually.)