- Views:
- 6
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- Public
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- 0
- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx<a>Snapshots</a><a>2009-264465</a>
- Last Updated:
- SnapCenter 服务器( SC ) 4.5
- 适用于 Microsoft SQL Server 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCSQL ) 4.5
- SCSQL备份无法在存储上创建快照
- 请
<installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\log\SMCore_<id>.log
<installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\SnapDriveSALDebug.log
DEBUG SMCore_2333797 PID=[6584] TID=[41] Create Snapshot - Begin
DEBUG SMCore_2333797 PID=[6584] TID=[41] Create Snapshot - End
ERROR SMCore_2333797 PID=[6584] TID=[41] Create snapshot '<snapshot_name>' failed: Snapshot operation failed. Value cannot be null.
Error SDW PID=[5468] TID=[15532] Failed to run a command Get-NcVol at SnapDrive.Nsf.Common.PowerShell.PSHelper.RunCommand[T](Command
command, IEnumerable input, Boolean isRetryAllowed)
Error SDW PID=[5468] TID=[15532] Failed to get the volumes for all volumes.