由于 SnapCenter 无法枚举共享集群磁盘,因此备份该磁盘失败
- SnapCenter 服务器( SC ) 4.5
- 适用于 Microsoft Windows Server ( SCW )的 SnapCenter 插件 4.5
- Windows 故障转移集群实例( FCI )
- 集群共享卷 (CSV)
- CSV 备份失败,并显示错误:
<installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\log\SMCore_<id>.log
ERROR SMCore_7183 PID=[11272] TID=[14] Activity (Discovering File-System) of Workflow (SnapMgrCoreService.SmJobActivity), Failed with error: Failed to enumerate the disks.
- 中的错误
<installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows\job_logs\SCW_<id>.log
Verbose SDW PID=[17060] TID=[1248] Failed to get volume mount point for path '<Drive_letter>', error = '2'
Verbose SDW PID=[17060] TID=[1248] GetHostFileSystem: accessPath '<Drive_letter>' is not found in fileSystemList
Error SDW PID=[17060] TID=[1248] Failed to enumerate the disks. at SnapDrive.Nsf.Core.ResourceGraphHelper.GetResourceStorageObjectGraphsFromMounts(List`1 mounts)/ - 在 SC UI 中显示磁盘
- 在 [1] FCI 中使用磁盘见证进行集群仲裁