无法通过 PowerShell 导入归档快照
- SnapCenter 服务器( SC ) 4.3.1
- 适用于 Microsoft SQL 的 SnapCenter 插件( SCSQL )
- SnapManager for SQL ( SMSQL ) 7.2.1
- 使用PowerShell cmdlet 时,无法将 SnapVault 归档快照从适用于 SQL 的 SnapManager 导入到适用于 SQL 的 SnapCenter 插件:
Invoke-SmBackupMigration -HostName <scsql_host> -PluginCode SMSQL
- SMSQL 中报告了以下错误
日志 (_L) :
[...] System.Exception: Please specify retention count or retention days
[...] Please specify retention count or retention days
[...] ErrorMessage (Migration aborted because the policy [INTERNAL_MIGRATED_POLICY] creation failed due to Please specify retention count or retention days)
[...] Migration aborted because the policy [INTERNAL_MIGRATED_POLICY] creation failed due to Please specify retention count or retention days
[...] Going to Call Discovery from GetMigratableBackups.
[...] GetSqlDiscoveredResouces Start
[...] Passing Host Run as
[...] Start PerformClusterEnumeration
[...] Invalid Input: request is not valid
[...] GetMigratableBackups function failed
[...] GetMigratableBackups Done