

not set
Last Updated:


  • Site Recovery Manager ( SRM )
  • Storage Replication Adapter ( SRA ) 4.0P1 , 7.0 , 7.1 , 7.2


在 Site Recovery Manager ( SRM )中运行设备发现操作时,可能会出现以下错误:

'XlValidateException' error : Reviewing the discoverDevices response in the SRM logs shows that no SourceDevice is Return and that an XML parsing error

Site Recovery Manager (SRM)

is thrown immediately after the XML output is received :

2018-07-11T18:25:11.524Z verbose vmware-dr[06540] [Originator@6876 sub=SraCommand opID=150eed55] discoverDevices responded with:
--><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra/v2" xmlns:replication="http://www.vmware.com/srm/sra30" xmlns:foo="http://www.foo.com/sra/v2">
-->        <ReplicatedDevices>
-->            <ConsistencyGroups>
-->                <ConsistencyGroup id="//svm1/CG_vol01" state="read-write">
-->                     <SourceDevices></SourceDevices>
-->                    <TargetGroup key="//svm2/CG_vol01_mirror"></TargetGroup>
-->                </ConsistencyGroup>
-->            </ConsistencyGroups>
-->            <SourceDevices>
-->                <SourceDevice id="//svm1/nfs1" state="read-write">
-->                    <Identity>
-->                        <NfsName>/nfs1</NfsName>
-->                    </Identity>
-->                    <TargetDevice key="//svm2/nfs1_dr"></TargetDevice>
-->                </SourceDevice>
-->            </SourceDevices>
-->            <StoragePorts>
-->                <StoragePort id="" type="NFS"></StoragePort>
-->            </StoragePorts>
-->            <TargetDevices>
-->                <TargetDevice key="//svm1/nfs2_dr"></TargetDevice>
-->            </TargetDevices>
-->        </ReplicatedDevices>
-->        <Warnings>
-->            <Warning code="2067"></Warning>
-->            <Warning code="2067"></Warning>
-->        </Warnings>
-->    </Response>
2018-07-11T18:25:11.529Z error vmware-dr[06540] [Originator@6876 sub=Storage opID=150eed55] XML parsing error in 'buffer' at (6, 52): empty content is not valid for content model '(SourceDevice+)'


" 找不到匹配的设备 " 错误:

Storage Replication Adapter

查看 SRM 日志中的 "发现 设备 " 响应,发现找不到 " 找不到匹配的设备 " 错误中所调用的设备的对等设备。  尽管阵列设备处于运行正常的 SnapMirror 关系中:

2018-07-30T15:48:26.871Z verbose vmware-dr[03852] [Originator@6876 sub=Storage] Dr::Storage::VmomiLayer::StretchedDatastoreMonitor::PeerArrayPairPropertiesChanged: Received an update for peer array pair MoRef=dr.storage.ReplicatedArrayPair:ec07e4f6-8548-48ce-a00e-58f74467c415:array-pair-2053, local array pair MoRef=[dr.storage.ReplicatedArrayPair:41961a8a-6c85-485f-88bf-68111d5509e1:array-pair-2052], deleted=false, changes=
--> (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [
-->    (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {
-->       name = "device",
-->       op = "assign",
-->       val = (dr.storage.StorageDevice) [
-->          (dr.storage.StorageDevice) {
-->             id = "//svm2/Unmapped_mirror/unmapped_lun",
-->             name = <unset>,
-->             stretchedStorage = false,
-->             staticSitePreference = <unset>,
-->            peerId = <unset>,
-->             peerName = <unset>,
-->             groupId = <unset>,
-->             groupName = <unset>,
-->             peerGroupId = <unset>,
-->             peerGroupName = <unset>,
-->             role = "target",
-->             targetKey = <unset>,
-->             snapshot = (dr.storage.Snapshot) null,
-->             details = <unset>,
-->             queryDetailsFault = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
-->             replicationSettings = <unset>,
-->             queryReplicationSettingsFault = (vmodl.MethodFault) null
-->          }
-->       ]
-->    }
--> ]

" 未映射 " 卷处于运行正常的 SnapMirror 关系中:

cluster2::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            XDP  svm2:Unmapped_mirror
                                      Idle           -         true    -

" 未找到 SnapMirror 关系 " 错误:

在阵列管理器中填充卷包含字段时,在设备发现期间可能会出现以下 " 未找到 SnapMirror 关系 " 错误:

Storage Replication Adapter


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