
在Windows SRM环境中"未安装存储复制适配器"

ontap-storage-replication-adapter<a>用于</a><a>翻译</a><a>的2009-192377 </a>
Last Updated:


  • VMware Site Recovery Manager ( SRM )
  • Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)


  • .msi在SRM Windows计算机上安装SRA后、SRM中 的存储复制适配器 页面会报告此消息 No storage replication adapters installed. 
  • 在SRM vmware-dr.log 文件中、存在类似于以下内容的消息:
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 info vmware-dr[05128] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] Loading SRA info from 'D:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\storage\sra\CMODE_ONTAP'
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 warning vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] [Attempt 1/5] Temp File creation failure : The system cannot find the path specified.
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 warning vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] [Attempt 2/5] Temp File creation failure : The system cannot find the path specified.
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 warning vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] [Attempt 3/5] Temp File creation failure : The system cannot find the path specified.
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 warning vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] [Attempt 4/5] Temp File creation failure : The system cannot find the path specified.
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 warning vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] [Attempt 5/5] Temp File creation failure : The system cannot find the path specified.
2022-06-01T08:50:23.107-04:00 error vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] Temp File creation failed (Giving up after 5 attempts).


2022-06-01T08:50:23.122-04:00 verbose vmware-dr[06096] [SRM@6876 sub=Storage opID=7f758895-0a03-406c-b084-bbaad43dcd89-reloadAdapters:c79a] Posting event to VC: (dr.eventEx.StorageAdaptReloadFailEvent) {
-->  installPath = "D:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\storage\sra\CMODE_ONTAP",
-->  fault = (dr.storage.fault.CannotLoadAdapter) {
-->    faultCause = (dr.storage.fault.CommandFailed) {
-->     faultCause = (dr.fault.UnableToCreateTempFile) {
-->       faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
-->       faultMessage = <unset>
-->       msg = ""
-->     },
-->     faultMessage = <unset>,
-->     commandName = "queryInfo"
-->     msg = ""
-->    },
-->    faultMessage = <unset>,
-->    installPath = "D:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\storage\sra\CMODE_ONTAP"
-->    msg = ""
-->  }
--> }


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