
无法在 Web 浏览器中启动 OnCommand Insight 服务,并显示 404 错误

Last Updated:


  • OnCommand Insight (OCI) 7.3.2
  • 兼容的 Windows 平台


当所有 OCI 服务均已启动时,可能会出现以下一个或多个症状:

1. 尝试访问 OCI 时, Web 浏览器中显示 404 错误。

2. Elasticsearch ( ES )会一直超时,并且没有节点可供使用。要进行检查,在https://locahost/cat/healthhttps://localhost/cat/indices OCI 服务器中输入和(在 Web 浏览器中)时,此网页将:

  • 尝试加载,然后最终超时
  • 在 0% 处显示黄色或红色。

3. Elasticsearch 将无法响应任何请求,如以下日志中所示:

  • oci-cluster.log (位于<installed_path>\SANscreen\program_data\elasticsearch\logs)显示了所有超时请求以及无法删除索引的情况。

[2020-04-28T07:25:48,321][WARN ][o.e.t.TransportService ] [VWTSOCI001] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [30485ms] ago, timed out [15469ms] ago, action [cluster:monitor/nodes/stats[n]], node [{VWTSOCI001}{dx4j5WoDQia-22-BA7uHxA}{o4Th7W8_TuOL8lrYj8eGyQ}{}{}], id [13438]

[2020-04-23T01:13:30,112][DEBUG][o.e.a.a.i.d.TransportDeleteIndexAction] [VWTSOCI001] failed to delete indices []
org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.ProcessClusterEventTimeoutException: failed to process cluster vent (delete-index) within 30s

  • server-indexer.log (位于)<installed_path>\SANscreen\wildfly\standalone\log将显示由于更新期间的版本冲突而导致的增量索引器失败。这意味着在计划的扫描之间会发生多个更新。此外,还存在一些错误,表示无法更新别名。

2020-04-23 03:04:14,350 ERROR [EE-ManagedThreadFactory-default-Thread-11] IncrementalIndexUpdater (IncrementalIndexUpdater.java:107) - ElasticsearchException while updating application fields for type HV_VirtualMachine
com.netapp.oci.es.ElasticsearchException: Error bulk indexing data. failure in bulk execution:
[0]: index [oci-inventory-hv_virtualmachine-2020-04-07-23-03-00], type [hv_virtualmachine], id [3838685751485770960], message [[oci-inventory-hv_virtualmachine-2020-04-07-23-03-00/7KzZYy9tTaK4uokvMyg8Tg][[oci-inventory-hv_virtualmachine-2020-04-07-23-03-00][1]] VersionConflictEngineException[[hv_virtualmachine][3838685751485770960]: version conflict, current version [10] is different than the one provided [9]]]

2020-04-23 00:32:52,003 ERROR [EJB default - 7] QueryIndexBuilder (QueryIndexBuilder.java:202) - Error indexing Disk
com.netapp.oci.es.ElasticsearchException: Failed to switch alias: oci-inventory-disk

  • 事件队列容量几乎已接近,即 2000 年<installed_path>\SANsceen\wildfly\standalone\log中超过了 1950 ,如 events.log (位于)所示。此外,还可以同时观察到大量标注和应用程序更新事件。

2020-04-23 03:28:42,052 INFO  [default task-52] AsyncGuavaEventBus (EventBusLogHelper.java:28) - Posting event: AnnotationAssignmentEvent
2020-04-23 03:28:42,052 INFO  [default task-52] AsyncGuavaEventBus (EventBusLogHelper.java:28) - Posting event: EventBusStatusEvent
2020-04-23 03:28:42,052 WARN  [default task-52] AsyncGuavaEventBus (AsyncGuavaEventBus.java:126) - Event queue size: 1961 out of 2000




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