适用于闪存磁盘的 ActiveIQ Unified Manager 警报 - 未收到备用块
- ActiveIQ Unified Manager ( AIQ UM ) 9.x
- OnCommand 统一管理器( OCUM ) 9.5
- 全闪存 FAS ( AFF )阵列
ActiveIQ Unified Manager 警报:
- 闪存磁盘 - 无备用数据块
- 固态驱动器( SSD )至少已占用其内部备用块的 80% 。
ONTAP 可能会报告与已用备用块相关的两个事件:
- 消耗 60% 时: shm.threshold.spareBlocksConsumed
- 80% 消耗时: shm.threshold.spareBlocksConsumedMax
Wed Mar 02 23:55:09 MST [node1: disk_health_mon: shm.threshold.spareBlocksConsumed:notice]: shm: There are 1 disks that have consumed at least 60 percent of their use-based internal spare capacity. The affected disks are: 0a.00.3.