- PowerShell工具包(PSTK)
- Windows平台
- PSTK <ver>上的代码签名证书 已过期
- 如果 将PSTK模块执行策略设置为 AllSigned、则会受到此影响
- 导入PSTK <ver>模块 时可能会遇到此问题-或者-执行PSTK <ver> 安装脚本时
- 示例 1:导入PSTK模块
错误: The file was skipped because of the following validation exception: file <file-name> type.ps1xml cannot be loaded. the file <file-name> is not digitally signed. you cannot run this script on the current system.
- 示例2:执行PSTK安装脚本
错误: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file.