Snap Creator Framework无法使用退出代码127暂停数据库
Snap Creator Framework (SCF)
(Wed Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) Command [su - db2 -c "/db2/db2/sqllib/bin/db2 -tvf /tmp/"] finished with
05:39:05,375] DEBUG: [db:9090 (] (Wed Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) exit code: [127]
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] DEBUG:
[AgentHost:9090 (] (Wed Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) stdout: []
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] DEBUG: [db:9090 (] (Wed
Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) stderr: [ksh: /db2/db2/sqllib/bin/db2: not found.]
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] ERROR: [db:9090
(] (Wed Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) [db2-00001] Quiescing database <database name> failed with message
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] ERROR:
[AgentHost:9090 (] (Wed Jun 15 05:39:03 2022) [
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] ERROR: [AgentHost
:9090 (] (Wed Jun 15
05:39:03 2022) ksh: /db2/db2/sqllib/bin/db2: not found.]
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] ERROR: [AgentHost:9090 (] (Wed Jun
15 05:39:03 2022) [db2-00002] Quiescing databases failed
[2022-06-15 05:39:05,375] ERROR: [AgentHost:9090(] SCF-00037:
Application quiesce for plug-in [db2] failed with error [ksh: /db2/db2/sqllib/bin/db2: not found.