SnapManager for Oracle 备份无法连接到生成的帮助程序进程
适用于 Oracle 的 SnapManager ( SMO )
SMO 备份失败,并显示以下错误:
Cannot perform operation: Backup Create. Root cause: REMOTE-00005: Timeout of 60.0 seconds trying to connect to spawned helper process.
[ERROR] REMOTE-00005: Timeout of 60.0 seconds trying to connect to spawned helper process.
[ERROR] EXE-00003: Killing spawned process for command: ./bin/launch-java com.netapp.common.remote.RemoteObjectFactoryImpl <RemoteIP><PortNum>
[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Create. Root cause: REMOTE-00005: Timeout of 60.0 seconds trying to connect to spawned helper process.
[ERROR] SMO-13048: Backup Create Operation Status: FAILED