SnapDrive 无法在图形用户界面中查看驱动器
- SnapManager for Hyper-V (SMHV)
- SnapDrive for Windows (SDW)
- SDW无法在图形用户界面中枚举LUN、SMHV备份失败并显示错误:
Failed to take backup of VM <VM_name>[Hyper-V] as SnapDrive for Windows is unable to enumerate the following components(s) : (Snapshot location is not valid. This could mean the VM may have an unsupported storage configuration. Please confirm that VM's snapshot file location reside on NetApp storage.) for the VM on Hyper-V host <hostname>
Either the specified VM(s) are not present or they cannot be backed up online
Backup task: failed to complete
- 已正确配置传输协议设置(TPS)。
- 驱动器正在运行、可通过文件资源管理器访问
- SMHV备份失败。