SMO 或 SMSAP 无法删除 Windows 中的备份,引用的驱动器号不存在
- Windows 上的 SnapManager for Oracle ( SMO ) 3.4.x
- Windows 上的 SnapManager for SAP ( SMSAP ) 3.4.x
运行备份保留时,无法删除旧备份,因为驱动器号挂载点路径上存在 SnapDrive 错误,例如,从事件日志中:
Failed to delete the Snapshot copy (smsap_<SID>_f_h_2_<UUID>_0) of the LUN (X:\ORACLE\<SID>\ORAARCH)
on storage system (<SVM>) volume (<FLEXVOL>).
Error code : The LUN may not be connected, because its mount point cannot be found.
在 SnapManager 报告日志( SMO_O_of_* 。 log/smsap_of_* 。 log )中:
SD-00015: Error deleting snapshot(s): SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "snap delete
_f_h_1_<UUID>_0": The LUN may not be connected, because its mount point cannot be found,
SD-00015: Error deleting snapshot(s): SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "snap delete
_f_h_2_<UUID>_0": The LUN may not be connected, because its mount point cannot be found