OnCommand Unified Manager 5.X WebGUI 和命令行界面因而挂起 正在启用 Sybase 并行处理
- OnCommand Unified Manager 5.0.x ( DFM )
- OnCommand Unified Manager 5.1.x ( DFM )
- OnCommand Unified Manager 5.2.1 ( DFM )
如果从日志和症状中观察到以下分析,则 OnCommand Unified Manager 核心软件包( DFM )可能会因并行性而挂起:
- 与 WebGUI 或 DFM 命令行界面( CLI )的任何交互都会导致应用程序挂起。
- 在 "sybase.log" 文件中挂起之前的一段时间会显示以下消息:
Connection terminated abnormally
- " 处理器线程 " 序列挂起,无法
从 "dFMMonitor.log " 文件联系 DBServer :
[dfmeventd:ERROR]: [23324:0x7f735b6f8700]: dfmscheduler has not been responding since 14
Jun 18:46.
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735fd59740]: waiting for repeater thread to finish
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735b7f9700]: repeater thread exiting
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735fd59740]: waiting for high priority processor thread to finish
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735bafc700]: processor thread cleaning up event queue
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735b8fa700]: processor thread cleaning up event queue
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735b9fb700]: processor thread cleaning up event queue
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735bafc700]: processor thread exiting
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735fd59740]: waiting for medium priority processor thread to finish
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735b8fa700]: processor thread exiting
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735b9fb700]: processor thread exiting
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [23324:0x7f735fd59740]: waiting for low priority processor thread to finish
[dfmeventd: INFO]: [3564:0x7fe0bcb5a740]: starting event service
[dfmeventd:ERROR]: [3564:0x7fe0bcb5a740]: Error connecting to the database: (-308) [Sybase]
[ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
[dfmeventd:ERROR]: [3564:0x7fe0bcb5a740]: Could not connect to database in eventd