迁移Data ONTAP 7-模式qtree Snap-vault目标卷失败
- ONTAP 8 7- 模式
尝试使用SnapMirror类型-TDP关系将7-模式Qtree SnapMirror目标卷或7-模式SnapVault 二级卷过渡到集群模式Data ONTAP 时、SnapMirror初始化失败。
SnapMirror type-TDP源7-模式控制器会记录以下错误:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST [source_controller:replication.src.err:error]: SnapMirror: source transfer from <source_volume> to <destination_vserver>:<destination_volume>: transfer failed.
在SnapMirror type-TDP目标集群上的事件日志中、会记录以下消息、可通过运行event log show命令查看这些消息:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST +06:00 [wafl.voltrans.qtree.replica:error] Volume <destination_volume> is a qtree replica. It cannot be transitioned to Cluster-Mode.
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST +06:00 [wafl.mount.inconsistent:error] WAFL: Unable to mount volume <destination_volume> due to Invalid fsinfo block. Volume is marked as inconsistent.
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST +06:00 [snapmirror.dst.OnlineErr:error] SnapMirror not able to bring <destination volume> online, CR_INVALID_FSINFO.
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST +06:00 [replication.dst.err:error] SnapMirror: destination transfer from <source_controller>:<source_volume> to <destination_volume>: replication transfer failed to complete.
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 EST +06:00 [smc.snapmir.init.fail:error] Initialize from source volume '<source_controller>:<source_volume>' to destination volume '<destination_vserver>: <destination_volume>' failed with error 'Transfer failed.'. Relationship UUID '01234567-0000-1111-2222-012345678901'.