cf 命令 giveback -f 是否会造成中断?
Data ONTAP 8.2 7-模式
- 执行时
cf giveback
,系统会执行多项检查以防止恢复中断。这可以包括检查故障磁盘、活动 CIFS 会话、活动备份以及 HA 合作伙伴的状态。 cf giveback -f
该命令将绕过这些检查中的任何一项。只有存在数据丢失风险时、系统才会取消或否决此命令。cf giveback -f
该命令允许在可能中断服务的情况下进行恢复。- 例如,
cf giveback -f
storage1(takeover)> cf status
storage1 has taken over storage2.
storage1(takeover)> cf giveback
Partner not waiting for giveback, giveback cancelled.
To perform a giveback without checking for partner readiness, either set the cf.giveback.check.partner option to off before performing a cf giveback again or Perform a cf giveback -f.
The first choice disables checking for all future cf giveback, until it is turned back to on. The second choice is good for this giveback only.
storage1(takeover)> cf giveback -f
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST [storage1:cf.misc.operatorGiveback:info]: Failover monitor: giveback -f initiated by operator
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST [storage1:cf.misc.givebackPartnerNotReady:notice]: Giveback is being initiated before the partner is in the waiting-for-giveback state. The partner is in the SF_UNKNOWN state.
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST []: Failover monitor: giveback started.
Fri Jan 31 19:29:53 EST []: Failover monitor: giveback completed
Fri Jan 31 19:29:53 EST [storage1:cf.fsm.stateTransit:info]: Failover monitor: TAKEOVER --> UP
Fri Jan 31 19:29:58 EST [storage1:cf.fsm.partnerNotResponding:notice]: Failover monitor: partner not responding
Fri Jan 31 19:30:07 EST [storage1:ha.takeoverImpNotDef:warning]: Takeover of the partner node is impossible due to reason waiting for partner to recover.
cf giveback -f
此命令还可能导致 HA 合作伙伴等待恢复的中断。
执行以下步骤而不是运行cf giveback -f
cf status
验证 HA 合作伙伴是否可用并等待恢复。如果系统已准备好进行恢复,则连接到 HA 合作伙伴的控制台时应显示以下消息:
Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)
cf giveback
查看以下消息。如果取消了恢复,则会报告消息以指明取消恢复的原因。- 在执行恢复之前,请分别填写这些项目。
- 再次尝试
cf giveback
。 - 查看消息以了解任何服务指示或阻止恢复的情况。
cf giveback -f
仅当执行了上述步骤并且仅在 NetApp 支持的指导下运行该命令。
错误 553014