- Views:
- 7
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- Category:
- netapp-hci<a>NetApp HCI</a><a>SN2010</a><a>2009727479</a><a>NVIDIA Mellanox Onyx 3.10.4302</a>
- Specialty:
- hci
- Last Updated:
- NVIDIA Mellanox交换机SN2010
- NVIDIA Mellanox Onyx
- NVIDIA Mellanox Onyx 3.10.4302版
- NetApp HCI
Bond10G和NVIDIA Mellanox 端口之间的链路上下摆动如下:
08:42:10 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Suspend
08:42:11 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Up
08:42:15 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Suspend
08:42:15 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Up
08:42:18 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Suspend
08:42:19 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Up
08:42:22 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Suspend
08:42:23 <switch_name> : TID 14053080011: [mlagd.NOTICE]: Mpo29 member Eth1/20 changed its lacp state to Up