- Mellanox SN2010
- Onyx 3.9.3202版
在MAG集群对上、如果其中一个端口通道关闭、 则会显示以下消息、并且此后交换机会卡住并变为未重新放置状态:
SWMLXNTP [mlag-ntp: standby] (config interface mlag-port-channel 15) # shut
Operation in progress cannot be cancelled. It will continue in the background, and you will be notified when it is complete.
SWMLXNTP [mlag-ntp: standby] (config interface mlag-port-channel 15) #
SWMLXNTP [mlag-ntp: standby] (config interface mlag-port-channel 15) # exit
SWMLXNTP [mlag-ntp: standby] (config) # sh mlag
% Cannot do this now; previous operation still in progress.