NetApp 计算节点已停止报告,不再更新
NetApp HCI
- NetApp计算节点已停止报告
- 相关API方法(其名称以vCenter开头的方法...) 未在ActiveIQ上的集群的API收集选项卡中更新
- 尝试连接到vCenter时、NMA日志包含无效登录名或类似条目(文章如何对 适用于NetApp HCI 的NetApp监控代理(NMA)进行故障排除 可用于检查日志)
- 计算节点的更改或添加/删除不会反映在ActiveIQ中
- 计算利用率部分显示差距或为空
- HCC上的错误/警报:
"code": "inventory.computeInventoryError.vcenterAuthError","message": "Error getting host information from compute service for the hosts. This could be due to an authentication error."
Some information may be unavailable because Hybrid Cloud Control can't reach one or more nodes in this installation. Please check the power state and network connectivity for all nodes and ensure in your hypervisor that the witness node virtual machine is powered on, if applicable.
One or more vCenter instances cannot be reached, causing some information to be unavailable