- AltaVault
Replication Paused
Storage Optimization Service Replication
触发""和""警报。- 系统日志中会显示以下错误:
[21:43:55.426560 61455 (61455) /retry info] retry 5 of get_buckets after receiving 7: "Couldn't connect to server", status=Connection timed out
[21:43:58.436419 61455 (61455) /curl info] HTTP request for https://<bucket>.blob.core.windows.net:443/?comp=list
[21:43:58.436441 61455 (61455) /curl info] (21:43:55.426745): Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
[21:43:58.436445 61455 (61455) /curl info] (21:43:55.430858): Trying xx.xxx.x.xxx...
[21:43:58.436449 61455 (61455) /curl info] (21:43:58.436324): connect to xx.xxx.x.xxx port 443 failed: No route to host
- 数据包跟踪表示AVA正在发送ARP来检查网关的MAC、但它没有响应。
- 问题描述在升级网络交换机(Cisco Nexus)后启动。