
安装验证失败错误: LiF 充足性检查失败

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Data ONTAP 8.


在使用 Upgrade Advisor 升级到集群模式 Data ONTAP 8.3 和更高版本的过程中,该命令会显示大量输出并失败并显示以下system node image update错误消息:
Install Failed. Install Validation Failed. ERROR: LIF sufficiency check failed.  

'LIF sufficiency check' 是从集群模式 Data ONTAP 8.3 软件运行的验证脚本,用于测试配置是否对每个 SVM 有效。如果不是,则会提供详细信息列表。可能的故障输出示例如下所示:


Software update started on node nasclus-01. Updating image2 with package 83P2_q_image.tgz.
Checking Vserver(s) (nas01 nas02 nas03 nas04 vfs01) for sufficiency LIFs.

After upgrade, KDC Server WILL BE UNREACHABLE from Vserver nas04.
After upgrade, AD Server WILL BE UNREACHABLE from Vserver nas04.
After upgrade, Admin Server WILL BE UNREACHABLE from Vserver nas04.
After upgrade, Password Server WILL BE UNREACHABLE from Vserver nas04.
After upgrade, NIS domain Server WILL BE UNREACHABLE from Vserver vfs01.
* You must correct these failures to avoid service disruptions.
* One way to avoid failures in most environments is to create a
* Vserver management LIF, one for each Vserver, that has connectivity to all
* external servers (infrastructure servers such as DNS/NIS/LDAP).
* Add a route for this LIF, if necessary, to provide connectivity to servers.
* This LIF's home-node should be the first node that will upgrade to 8.3.0.
* The LIF should have a failover group that includes ONLY the home node
* and its HA partner.  It should have auto-revert enabled.
* (Failover-group, failover-policy, and auto-revert may be set to other
* values as desired AFTER the cluster upgrade is complete.)
*       Command to add LIFs:
*         network interface create -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -role data -data-protocol none
*         -home-node <node_in_first_ha_pair> -home-port <port_name> -address <IP_addr> -netmask-length <bits> -auto-revert true
*       Command to add routes:
*         network routing-groups route create -vserver <Vserver_name>
*       Commands to manage failover groups:
*         network interface failover-groups
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -failover-group <group_name>
*       Command to modify a LIF's failover policy:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -failover-policy <policy>
*       Commands to modify a LIF's home node:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -home-node <node_name> -home-port <port_name>
*             network interface revert -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name>
*       Command to modify a LIF's auto-revert settings:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -auto-revert true
* Other corrective actions may include:
*   - Remove any decommissioned external servers from the Vserver configuration.
*       Commands to show/modify/delete server configurations are in directories:
*         vserver services dns
*         vserver services nis-domain
*         vserver services kerberos-realm
*         vserver services ldap
*         vserver cifs domain
*         vserver fpolicy policy external-engine
*         vserver iscsi isns
*   - Restore any LIFs that are administratively down.
*       Command to determine if any LIFs are down:
*         network interface show -role data -status-admin down
*       Command to restore down LIFs:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> 
-status-admin up           
*   - Restore any LIFs that are operationally down.
*       Command to determine if any LIFs are down:
*         network interface show -role data -status-oper down
*       Operationally down LIFs are generally caused by infrastructure issues.
* For more information, see the "Clustered Data ONTAP 8.3 Upgrade and
* Revert/Downgrade Guide".
Retry the image installation after taking corrective action.
ERROR: LIF sufficiency check failed.
Install Failed.
Software update/install aborted.
Error: command failed: Install Failed. Software update/install aborted.

注意: LiF 充足性检查程序可能也不会显示错误;但是,如果托管它的节点在升级完成之前发生故障转移、并且节点 HA 伙伴不是故障转移组的一部分、则会出现有关 SVM 可能发生的情况的警告。



* *** WARNING ***

* Although SVM1 has the LIFs and routes that it needs to contact all external servers, NODE01 will not have access to
* sufficient LIFs for SVM1 to reach all external servers if NODE02 experiences a failure before additional nodes are upgraded.
* This could result in a service disruption if a node fails during the upgrade process.
* To prevent this type of service disruption during an upgrade, ensure that sufficient LIFs will be located on each NODE01 and
* NODE02 if the other nodes fails, by doing the following:
* Place LIFs with NODE01 or NODE02 as the home-node.
* Use failover groups/policies so that the LIF will only move between NODE01 and NODE02.
*       Commands to manage failover groups:
*         network interface failover-groups
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -failover-group <group_name>
*       Command to modify a LIF's failover policy:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -failover-policy <policy>
*       Commands to modify a LIF's home node:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -home-node <node_name> -home-port <port_name>
*         network interface revert -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name>
*       Command to modify a LIF's auto-revert settings:
*         network interface modify -vserver <Vserver_name> -lif <lif_name> -auto-revert true


在这种情况下、它说明节点 02 上托管的 SVM1 具有 LIF 、但未配置为在 HA 伙伴(节点 01 )上进行故障转移、并且如果节点 02 出现故障、节点 01 将无法为 SVM1 托管 LIF 。


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