
适用于 AWS 的 Cloud Volumes Service 常见问题和资源

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Cloud Volumes Service for AWS




问题:要创建 CIFS 服务器,需要打开哪些端口?

问题解答 :应打开以下端口
问题:可以配置多少个 DNS 服务器?

问题解答 :3
问题: " 创建 Active Directory" 和 "Active Directory" 表单中使用的 "Netbios" 字段是什么?

问题解答 :此值是将在 Active Directory 中为 CIFS 服务器创建的 CIFS 服务器计算机帐户名称。不应预配置此计算机帐户名称。
问:为什么无法访问 ~snapshot/.snapshot 目录?

问题解答 :支持通过先前版本访问快照。如果先前版本选项卡不可用 / 不起作用,请向 NetApp 支持部门创建案例。
问题:如果指定了 SMB 协议以及 Active Directory 设置,但出现以下错误之一,则 " 创建新卷 " 将失败


错误 1 :原因: SecD 错误:无服务器可用
故障:无法联系 DNS 以发现域 * 控制器


(sample ERROR 1) Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: SecD Error: no server available Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 0 ms] Trying to create machine account 'LODDEMO' in 'DEMO.NETAPP.COM' for Vserver 'svm_98c264ad9f1c4c41b76ffd3d05c4f106_9b5e3359' [ 2009] Failed to connect to for DNS via Source Address Operation timed out **[ 4019] FAILURE: Unable to contact DNS to discover domain ** controllers. [ 4019] Unable to connect to any (0) domain controllers. [ 4019] 'NisDomain' configuration not available [ 4019] NIS configuration not found for Vserver 4 [ 6029] Failed to connect to for DNS via Source Address Operation timed out [ 6029] Unable to contact DNS to discover domain controllers. [ 8039] Failed to connect to for DNS via Source Address Operation timed out [ 8039] Unable to contact DNS to discover domain controllers. [ 10049] Failed to connect to for DNS via Source Address Operation timed out [ 10049] Unable to contact DNS to discover domain controllers. [ 10049] No servers available for MS_LDAP_AD, vserver: 4, domain: DEMO.NETAPP.COM. .

解决方案 1 :可能会阻止 DNS 端口 53 ( TCP 或 UDP )。验证是否可从 DNS 服务器和云卷 IP 访问这些端口。


错误 2 :原因: SecD 错误:无服务器可用
故障:主机名查找失败,并显示错误: hostname NOR.SVMNAME provided , or not known


(示例错误 2 )

Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: SecD Error: no server available Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 0 ms] Trying to create machine account 'LODDEMO' in 'DEMO.NETAPP.COM' for Vserver 'svm_98c264ad9f1c4c41b76ffd3d05c4f106_9b5e3359' [ 8] Entry for host-name: dc2.demo.netapp.com not found in any of the available sources **[ 9] FAILURE: Hostname lookup failed with error: hostname nor ** servname provided, or not known [ 14] Hostname found in Name Service Negative Cache [ 14] Hostname lookup failed with error: hostname nor servname provided, or not known [ 14] No servers found in DNS lookup for _ldap._tcp.DEMO.NETAPP.COM. [ 14] No servers available for MS_LDAP_AD, vserver: 4, domain: DEMO.NETAPP.COM. [ 14] Cannot find any domain controllers; verify the domain name and the node's DNS configuration [ 14] Unable to connect to any (0) domain controllers. [ 14] 'NisDomain' configuration not available [ 14] NIS configuration not found for Vserver 4 [ 20] Hostname found in Name Service Negative Cache [ 20] Hostname lookup failed with error: hostname nor servname provided, or not known [ 20] No servers found in DNS lookup for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.DEMO.NETAPP.COM. [ 23] Hostname found in Name Service Negative Cache [ 23] Hostname lookup failed with error: hostname nor servname provided, or not known [ 23] No servers found in DNS lookup for _ldap._tcp.DEMO.NETAPP.COM. [ 26] Hostname found in Name Service Negative Cache [ 26] Hostname lookup failed with error: hostname nor servname provided, or not known [ 26] No servers found in DNS lookup for _kerberos._tcp.DEMO.NETAPP.COM. [ 26] No servers available for MS_LDAP_AD, vserver: 4, domain: DEMO.NETAPP.COM. .
解决方案 2 :验证 DNS 服务器上是否存在 Kerberos 和 LDAP 的 DNS srv (服务位置)记录。


错误 3 :原因: Kerberos 错误: KDC 无法访问
无法联系所请求域的任何 KDC * ( KRB5_KC_UNREACH )

(错误示例 3 )

Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: Kerberos Error: KDC Unreachable Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 98] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 4149] TCP connection to ip, port 88 via interface failed: Operation timed out. **[ 24233] FAILURE: Could not authenticate as ** 'administrator@DEMO.NETAPP.COM': Cannot contact any KDC ** for requested realm (KRB5_KDC_UNREACH) .

解决方案 3 : Kerberos 端口 88 ( TCP )可能会被阻止。验证是否可从 KDC 服务器和云卷 IP 访问这些端口。


错误 4 :原因: LDAP 错误:无法联系 LDAP 服务器
失败:无法建立连接( LDAP ( Active ** 目录)


(错误示例 4 )

 Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: LDAP Error: Cannot contact the LDAP server Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 8159] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 8164] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using TCP [ 10202] TCP connection to ip, port 389 via interface failed: Operation timed out. [ 10204] Unable to connect to LDAP (Active Directory) service on dc1.demo.netapp.com (Error: Can't contact LDAP server) **[ 10204] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection (LDAP (Active ** Directory):DEMO.NETAPP.COM), result: 7642 .

解决方案 4 : LDAP 端口 389 ( TCP 或 UDP )可能会被阻止。验证是否可从 LDAP 服务器和云卷 IP 访问这些端口。




(示例错误 5 )

Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: SecD Error: no server available Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 78] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 154] Created a machine account in the domain [ 168] Successfully connected to ip, port 445 using TCP [ 175] Unable to connect to LSA service on dc1.demo.netapp.com (Error: RESULT_ERROR_SPINCLIENT_SOCKET_RECEIVE_ERROR) [ 175] No servers available for MS_LSA, vserver: 4, domain: demo.netapp.com. **[ 175] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection ** (LSA:DEMO.NETAPP.COM), result: 6940 [ 175] Could not find Windows SID 'S-1-5-21-296924722-389102597-4211195190-512' [ 183] Deleted existing account 'CN=LODDEMO,CN=Computers,DC=demo,DC=netapp,DC=com'

解决方案 5 :验证是否已在域控制器上启用 SMB2 协议版本。

故障:无法进行身份验证、因为*帐户*密码与Active *目录中存储的密码不匹配(krb5kdc_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED)

(错误示例 6 )

Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: Kerberos Error: Pre-authentication information was invalid Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 28] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 30] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using TCP **[ 35] FAILURE: Could not authenticate as ** 'administrator@DEMO.NETAPP.COM': CIFS server account ** password does not match password stored in Active ** Directory (KRB5KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED) .

解决方案 6 :验证 Active Directory 配置中指定的帐户密码是否正确。



(sample ERROR 7)

Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 33] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 36] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using TCP [ 43] Requested service not found in Active Directory (KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN) [ 43] Failed to initiate Kerberos authentication. Trying NTLM. [ 45] Successfully connected to ip, port 389 using TCP **[ 89] FAILURE: Could not create account ** 'cn=DOCTORDOOM,CN=Computers,dc=INTERNALDOMAINA,dc=LOCAL': ** an LDAP constraint violation occurred, which may indicate ** the supplied user has insufficient privilege to add an ** account in the specified organizational unit Error: command failed: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "DOCTORDOOM". Reason: LDAP Error: The user has insufficient access rights.


解决方案 7 :验证帐户是否在 Active Directory 中具有加入计算机对象的权限。
失败:无法建立连接(LDAP (Active *目录)


(sample ERROR 8)

Error when creating - Failed to create the Active Directory machine account "LODDEMO". Reason: LDAP Error: Strong authentication is required Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed [ 31] Loaded the preliminary configuration. [ 34] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using TCP [ 40] Successfully connected to ip, port 389 using TCP [ 45] Unable to connect to LDAP (Active Directory) service on dc1.demo.netapp.com (Error: Strong(er) authentication required) **[ 45] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection (LDAP (Active ** Directory):DEMO.NETAPP.COM), result: 7609 .

解决方案 8 :禁用 LDAP 服务器签名要求



问题:适用于 NFS 的 Microsoft 客户端是否可用于 Cloud Volumes ?

问题解答 :适用于 NFS 的 Microsoft 客户端与云卷不兼容


问题: Cloud Volumes Service 同步是否支持每个区域使用数据代理?

问题解答 :目前,所有区域仅允许一个数据代理。如果不同地区需要多个代理,请使用 Cloud Sync 独立界面

问题解答 :此操作步骤 详细介绍了如何收集代理日志

问题解答 :使用以下检查清单协助解决问题
  • 确认数据代理可同时访问源和目标
    • 如果将 CIFS 用于传输协议,请确保源 / 目标上的共享 ACL 允许所选用户传输数据
    • 如果使用 NFS 作为传输协议,请确保导出策略允许使用 root 或超级用户访问权限挂载数据代理的 IP 
      • 通过从数据代理手动挂载导出来测试对两端的访问,并尝试向目标执行测试写入
  • 如果将卷指定为 " 双协议 " ,并使用 NTFS 安全模式和 NFS 作为传输协议
    • 请考虑操作 NT DACL 还是 UNIX 模式位是权限管理的首选方法
      • 如果需要管理 UNIX 模式位,请将卷更改为 "UNIX" 安全模式
      • 如果要使用 NT DACL ,则需要为 root 用户映射到 <NTDOMAIN>\root
        • 这需要在 CVS 卷所加入的 AD 域中创建 <NTDOMAIN>\root


问题: Cloud Volumes Service 卷应具有哪些最大带宽?

问题解答 :Cloud Volumes Service 卷的最大带宽与分配给卷的服务级别以及卷的已分配容量有关。服务级别和已分配容量的成本比较图表 显示给定服务级别和已分配容量的最大带宽。 



问:为什么无论分配大小如何,我的卷都显示为 100TB ?

问题解答 :所有卷均创建为 100 TB 精简配置卷,并将显示给客户端。这些卷不会反映在图形用户界面中设置的 " 分配 " 大小。
问题:如果在 Cloud Volumes 中覆盖或删除文件,我有哪些还原选项?

问题解答 :确保在配置卷时已设置快照策略。Cloud Volumes 中唯一本机可用的数据备份副本是通过快照中的这些时间点参考。
按照 AWS 文档了解如何从 Snapshot 副本还原数据。
问题:如何重置 API 密钥?

问题解答 :如何为适用于 AWS 的 CVS 重置 API 密钥
问题: CVS 中每个卷允许的最大文件数(索引节点)是多少?

问题解答 :每个卷允许的最大文件数(索引节点)取决于卷的分配大小,从 2 , 000 万到 1 亿个文件不等

问:卷克隆失败的原因是 ‘无法为卷 <volume> 设置卷属性 "files" … 原因:新计数必须大于当前分配的计数 <number>

问题解答 :如果某个卷当前分配的文件数超过克隆卷分配大小所分配的文件数,则在尝试克隆该卷时会发生此问题描述 。
如果卷当前有 9 , 000 万个文件,并使用 3 TiB 的目标分配大小进行克隆,则克隆将失败。这是因为 A 3 TiB 卷的最大文件数为 8000 万个,比要克隆的源卷少 1000 万个。




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