解决Cloud Volumes ONTAP和ONTAP Select环境中的根卷恢复问题
- Microsoft Azure ( Azure )
- Amazon Web Services ( AWS )
- Google Cloud 平台( GCP )
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP ( CVO )
- ONTAP Select
- 在某些与多次重新启动或底层硬件问题相关的情况下,节点可能会在启动时设置 boot_recovery 标志。
- 设置此标志后,节点将启动到 有限 配置,并显示一条消息。
*********************** ** SYSTEM MESSAGES ** *********************** The contents of the root volume may have changed and the local management configuration may be inconsistent and/or the local management databases may be out of sync with the replicated databases. This node is not fully operational. Contact support personnel for the root volume recovery procedures.
- 如果您的系统已配置为执行此操作
,则它会生成 AutoSupport (或 " 呼叫主页 " )消息并将其传输给 NetApp 技术支持。主题 -" 根卷无法正常工作 "
Mon Oct 25 09:43:57 -0700 [c01-01: mgwd: callhome.root.vol.recovery.reqd:EMERGENCY]: Call home for ROOT VOLUME NOT WORKING PROPERLY: RECOVERY REQUIRED.