新的 Azure CVO HA 正在随机发生崩溃并重新启动
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP ( CVO )
- Microsoft Azure
- Cloud Manager
- 在执行某些活动(例如 Snapmirrors )时, Azure 中的新 CVO HA 实例会随机发生崩溃并重新启动。
- 在 Cloud Manager Server.logs
Cloud Manager 中,出现许多超出速率限制的错误和 DNS 相关错误:
2021-12-06 23:17:08,093 UTC WARN [Poll Messages ] [ ] [ ] [ ] (config-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-135) [ClientThrottleInvocationHandler:85] Amazon service is unavailable - DNS resolution error. retrying (16 left)
2021-12-06 23:17:08,673 UTC ERROR [Poll Messages ] [ ] [ ] [ ] (config-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-125) [ConcreteConfig:306] failed to load local.agent.config with error: com.netapp.oncloud.config.server.ConfigException: Failed to retrieve metadata file local.agent.config. Timed out when sending request - Rate limit exceeded.
- 在 CVO 部署期间启动创建专用链路操作时,将显示以下错误:
{ "registrationEnabled": false, "privateDnsZoneName": "privatelink.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net", "virtualNetworkId": "/subscriptions/b510a938-29e2-4493-aa2a-XXXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/rg-MYRG-01/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-theVNET-hosting-usgovvirginia-01", "region": "global", "_failure": "The following permission is missing: 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/join/action' on the '0' linked scope(s) '' or the linked scope(s) are invalid and is blocked by deny assignments on the '1'. For more information please refer to the OnCommand Cloud Manager policies documentation at [https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/in...nager-policies"|https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/in...r-policies%22] , "_resourceGroup": "rg-MYRG-hosting-usgovvirginia-01", "privateDnsLinkName": "vnet-theVNET-hosting-usgovvirginia-01_usgovvirginia_DnsLink" }