
正在对 EMS 进行 SPAMmed" ,并显示 vsa.instanceMetadata.change 警报


  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP ( CVO )
  • 所有超大规模云提供商
  • 任何实例或 VM 类型


  • 管理员可能会收到以下电子邮件警报:

Severity: ALERT

Message: vsa.instanceMetadata.change: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".

Description: This message occurs when the system detects that a field in the virtual machine's instance metadata settings has changed. The virtual machine instance metadata holds configuration settings for the instance. Some virtual machine settings can be changed after deployment, and can be changed using cloud provider tools. These settings include some that can affect the performance or stability of the instance. One example is the instance type. If the instance type is changed to an unsupported value, this might result in hard-to-diagnose stability issues if that instance type does not have enough memory or CPU cores. This message is generated only for changes that might impact the performance or reliability of the instance.

Corrective Action: If the field is changed to an unsupported value, manual reconfiguration will be required.

Source: mgwd
Sequence#: 1209731


  • EMS 正在被相同的警报 spammed :

[cluster01-01: mgwd: vsa.instanceMetadata.change:alert]: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".
[cluster01-01: mgwd: vsa.instanceMetadata.change:alert]: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".
[cluster01-01: mgwd: vsa.instanceMetadata.change:alert]: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".
[cluster01-01: mgwd: vsa.instanceMetadata.change:alert]: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".
[cluster01-01: mgwd: vsa.instanceMetadata.change:alert]: Virtual machine instance metadata setting changed. Field: instance_type. Previous value: "Standard_DS15_v2". New value: "Standard_DS5_v2".



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