
部分磁盘出现Azure CVO磁盘延迟

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • CVO HA
  • Azure
  • 页面Blob磁盘


  • DNS TTL值可能报告不正确。
    • Azure的页面Blobs最佳实践是60秒TTL。
  • 磁盘将报告利用率为100%、并且会出现较高的延迟。
    • 可以是磁盘子集、也可以是节点上的所有磁盘。
cluster::> set -privilege advanced Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y cluster::*> name-service cache hosts forward-lookup show -vserver <cluster_name> <--Make sure the SVM name matches cluster name before the prompt (::*> in this case) (vserver services name-service cache hosts forward-lookup show) IP Address IP Create Vserver Host Protocol Family Address Source Time TTL(sec) --------- -------- -------- ------- -------------- ------- ---------- -------- cluster pageblobhost.blob.core.windows.net Any Ipv4 dns 53050 11/28/ 2023 09:22:43 cluster pageblobhost.blob.core.windows.net Any Ipv4 dns 25462 11/28/ 2023 09:26:40 ... cluster::*> run -node node1 statit -b ... (wait 30 seconds) cluster::*> run -node node1 statit -e ... disk ut% xfers ureads--chain-usecs writes--chain-usecs cpreads-chain-usecs greads--chain-usecs gwrites-chain-usecs /data_aggr1/plex0/rg0: 0a.11.1 10 23.42 0.00 .... . 11.21 61.56 133 12.21 57.15 50 0.00 .... . 0.00 .... . 0a.10.1 11 23.80 0.00 .... . 11.66 59.25 147 12.14 57.37 55 0.00 .... . 0.00 .... . 1a.12.1 100 158.69 120.29 5.43 2299 10.26 34.39 553 28.15 9.93 839 0.00 .... . 0.00 .... . 0a.11.2 100 156.09 118.85 5.39 2253 9.96 34.97 553 27.28 10.05 794 0.00 .... . 0.00 .... .
cluster::> qos statistics volume latency show -vserver svm1 -volume vol1 Workload ID Latency Network Cluster Data Disk QoS Max QoS Min NVRAM --------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -total- - 4.71ms 185.00us 7.00us 468.00us 4.04ms 0ms 0ms 11.03s vol1-wid32140 32140 22.22s 86.00us 125.00us 904.00us 321.11ms 0ms 0ms 16.34s

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