调解器实例处于失败状态、并显示错误“ HA Cluster is not high availability ( HA 集群不具有高可用性)”。未知的调解器错误。 "
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP ( CVO )
- 高可用性 (HA)
- Amazon Web Services ( AWS )
- Cloud Manager
- AWS 中用于 CVO HA 的调解器 EC2 实例
- 无法验证路由表,因为调解器实例运行不正常。
- 接管 / 恢复后无法将 LIF 恢复回其主目录失败。失败,出现以下错误。
"Error: command failed: Failed to update external route tables for IP "X.X.X.X". The system failed to successfully complete all tasks associated with the update."