无法在 Cloud Manager 中设置 CIFS 服务器
- CIFS 设置
- Cloud Manager
在 Active Directory 计算机帐户创建阶段, Cloud Manager 中的 CIFS 设置失败。
SERVER.log :
com.netapp.oncloud.simplicator.client.common.SimplicatorException: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account
Reason: LDAP Error: The user has insufficient access rights Details: Error: Machine account creation procedure failed
[14253] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
[14283] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using TCP
[14313] Successfully connected to ip, port 389 using TCP **
[14443] FAILURE: Could not create account ** '..CN=Computers,dc=LOCAL': ** an LDAP constraint violation occurred, which may indicate ** the supplied user has insufficient privilege to add an ** account in the specified organizational unit .