
删除或耗尽节点后,由于 CrashLoopBackoff , Trident 21.10 无法启动

Last Updated:


  • Trident 21.10
  • ONTAP SAN 后端
  • 已删除或已耗尽 Kubernetes 节点


  • 由于 CrashLoopBackoff , Trident CSI Pod 无法启动 

$ kubectl get pod -n trident -l app=controller.csi.trident.netapp.io
NAME               READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
trident-csi-7b7464695d-kp84m   2/6   CrashLoopBackOff  64      49m

  • Trident CSI Pod 显示错误和警告:
 level=error msg="Trident initialization failed; error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: error removing IQN ${IQN}, Reason: LUN maps for this initiator group exist, Code: 9029" level=error msg="error cleaning up previously failed PV upgrades; could not list known volumes; Trident initialization failed; error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: API status: failed, Reason: LUN maps for this initiator group exist, Code: 9029" level=warning msg="K8S helper could not add a storage class: Trident initialization failed; error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: error removing IQN ${IQN}, Reason: LUN maps for this initiator group exist, Code: 9029" name=ontap-block parameters="map[backendType:ontap-san fsType:ext4]" provisioner=csi.trident.netapp.io requestID=7b7e63f5-51b3-4fb4-bf45-307c6e52f89d requestSource=Kubernetes level=warning msg="K8S helper could not add a storage class: Trident initialization failed; error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: error removing IQN <IMYQN> from igroup ${IGROUP}: API status: failed, Reason: LUN maps for this initiator group exist, Code: 9029" name=ontap-file parameters="map[backendType:ontap-nas]" provisioner=csi.trident.netapp.io requestID=c92a03b7-882a-45c6-b26d-a77e52f6e6d1 requestSource=Kubernetes level=error msg="unable to list nodes in Trident; aborting node reconciliation" err="Trident initialization failed; error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: error removing IQN ${IQN} from igroup ${IGROUP}: API status: failed, Reason: LUN maps for this initiator group exist, Code: 9029" requestID=7594b815-13a2-4118-9017-8d8f86e392b3 requestSource=Internal



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