
EMS 会在电池学习周期报告 "The NVMEM battery" is too cold ( -17 C ) " 消息

fas-systems<a>FAS2650</a><a>2009 110315</a>
Last Updated:


  • FAS2620
  • FAS8200
  • ONTAP 9
  • 服务处理器 (SP)


  • SP events all 报告电池温度错误和电池组无效错误。

[IPMI.notice]: 3301 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Bat_Lrn_Active | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3401 | 02 | EVT: 0150ef05 | Bat_Temp | Assertion Event, "Lower Non-critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3501 | 02 | EVT: 0152ef00 | Bat_Temp | Assertion Event, "Lower Critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3601 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Bat_Pack_Invalid | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3701 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3801 | 02 | EVT: 0300ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Deasserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3901 | 02 | EVT: 81522e00 | Bat_Temp | Deassertion Event, "Lower Critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3a01 | 02 | EVT: 81502e05 | Bat_Temp | Deassertion Event, "Lower Non-critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3b01 | 02 | EVT: 0300ffff | Bat_Pack_Invalid | Assertion Event, "State Deasserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3c01 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 3d01 | 02 | EVT: 0150ef05 | Bat_Temp | Assertion Event, "Lower Non-critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3e01 | 02 | EVT: 0152ef00 | Bat_Temp | Assertion Event, "Lower Critical going low"
[IPMI.notice]: 3f01 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Bat_Pack_Invalid | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
[IPMI.notice]: 4001 | 02 | EVT: 0300ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Deasserted"

  • EMS log 报告两个 HA 节点的传感器 15 温度错误。

nvmem.battery.tempLow:alert]: The NVMEM battery is too cold (-17 C). To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 24 hours.

nvmem.battery.temp.normal:info]: The NVMEM battery temperature is normal.

nvmem.battery.packValid:notice]: A valid NVMEM battery pack is present.

ses.status.temperatureWarning:alert]: DS212-12 (S/N SHJSGXXXXXXXXXX) shelf 0 on channel 0a temperature warning for Temperature sensor 15: not installed or failed. Current temperature: 46 C (114 F). `O\252\207r.

ses.status.temperatureInfo:info]: DS212-12 (S/N SHJSGXXXXXXXXXX) shelf 0 on channel 0a temperature information for Temperature sensor 15: normal status.


ses.status.temperatureWarning:alert]: DS212-12 (S/N SHJSGXXXXXXXXXX) shelf 0 on channel 0b temperature warning for Temperature sensor 15: not installed or failed. Current temperature: 46 C (114 F). `O\252\207r.

ses.status.temperatureInfo:info]: DS212-12 (S/N SHJSGXXXXXXXXXX) shelf 0 on channel 0b temperature information for Temperature sensor 15: normal status.

  • 此错误已在大约 30 秒后恢复。
  • 从开始 SP-LATEST-IPMI,在此错误期间发生了电池学习周期。

LrnCycleStartDate : 22-03-17-12:00

LrnCycleStartFCC  : 0x0546

LrnCycleEndFCC    : 0x054e

LrnCycleEndDate   : 22-03-17-22:59


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