
NFS 和 iSCSI 访问失败,并显示警报 nodewatchdog.svc.rpc.noresp

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.7
  • 双节点无交换机集群


  • 通过 NFS 或 iSCSI 连接的任何客户端或主机都会断开与 NetApp 存储的连接
  • Unified Manager 警报:

Node: Node-01
Time: Wed, Sep 23 18:24:46 2020 +0200
Severity: ALERT

Message: nodewatchdog.svc.rpc.noresp: The vifmgr service internal to Data ONTAP that is required for continuing data   service was unavailable. The service failed, but was unsuccessfully restarted.

Description: This message occurs when a service critical to data access fails to respond to service monitoring and is  restarted. Data ONTAP(R) might have experienced a serious error and might operate in a degraded mode.

Corrective Action: If the message reports that the service has "restarted" then no action is required. If the status   is "not restarted" or "unsuccessfully restarted," then reboot the node using the "system node reboot" command with the "-dump true" option, and then contact NetApp technical support.

Source: nodewatchdog
Sequence#: 602147

  • RDB 日志包含频繁出现的 " 明显不足 " 消息,如下所示:

示例 Vifmgr :

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:00 +02:00 [kern_vifmgr:info:6763] rdb::qm:Wed Sep 23 18:18:18 2020:src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc:474 (thr_id:0x80b8d7100) QmState::doWorkerWork RDB QM main voter thread slept for 14303 ms (apparent starvation)

MGWD 示例:

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:43 +02:00 [kern_mgwd:info:14611] A [src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc 471 (0x82ddb7800)]: doWorkerWork: RDB QM main voter thread slept for 3711 ms (apparent starvation).

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:43 +02:00 [kern_mgwd:info:14611] A [src/rdb/cluster_events.cc 88 (0x82ddb7800)]: Report: Cluster event: node-event, epoch 36, site 1001 [apparent starvation in QM main voter thread: slept 3711 ms].

VLDB 示例:

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:23:38 +02:00 [kern_vldb:info:6843] rdb::qm:Wed Sep 23 18:21:01 2020:src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc:474 (thr_id:0x80ab31900) QmState::doWorkerWork RDB QM main voter thread slept for 4175 ms (apparent starvation)

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:25:15 +02:00 [kern_vldb:info:6843] A [src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc 471 (0x80ab31900)]: doWorkerWork: RDB QM main voter thread slept for 2498 ms (apparent starvation).

示例 Bcomd :

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:49 +02:00 [kern_bcomd:info:6802] rdb::qm:Wed Sep 23 18:22:25 2020:src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc:474 (thr_id:0x80b757700) QmState::doWorkerWork RDB QM main voter thread slept for 7637 ms (apparent starvation)

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:49 +02:00 [kern_bcomd:info:6802] A [src/rdb/quorum/qm_states/qm_state.cc 471 (0x80b757700)]: doWorkerWork: RDB QM main voter thread slept for 116272 ms (apparent starvation).

Wed Sep 23 2020 18:24:49 +02:00 [kern_bcomd:info:6802] A [src/rdb/cluster_events.cc 88 (0x80b757700)]: Report: Cluster event: node-event, epoch 18, site 1001 [apparent starvation in QM main voter thread: slept 116272 ms].

  • MGWD 日志还包括用于 client_device_view 表的频繁 SMF 跟踪转储:

Fri Sep 23 2020 18:15:47 +02:00 [kern_mgwd:info:60301] client_device_view.next_imp() returns: success (latency: 60.256860s) [-,switch-01(DCOV13007),,SNMPv2c,true,-,cshm1!,OTHER,management-network,Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 14.1(2u),Invalid SNMP Settings,CDP/ISDP,-,false,Unknown,yes,no,OTHER] (memory: 434290 net, 445502 max, 5447768 allocated, 5013478 freed, 28040 allocations)

注意:这是 SMF 跟踪转储的最后一行。完整的跟踪转储太大,无法包含在此处。

  • 从 Hostos 域可以看到 CPU 利用率提高。但是,这可能不是最大贡献者。

netapp::*> node run -node netapp-01 sysstat -M 1
ANY1+ ANY2+ ANY3+ ANY4+ ANY5+ ANY6+ ANY7+ ANY8+ ANY9+ ANY10+ ANY11+ ANY12+ ANY13+ ANY14+ ANY15+ ANY16+  AVG
 100%  100%  100%   99%   98%   96%   94%   91%   86%    81%    76%    70%    64%    57%    48%   37%   81%

 78%  76%  77%  83%  82%  83%  82%  82%  82%  82%   83%   84%   83%   82%   83%   82%

Nwk_Excl Nwk_Lg Nwk_Exmpt Protocol Cluster Storage Raid Raid_Ex Target Kahuna WAFL_Ex(Kahu)
      3%     2%      450%       0%      0%     49%   2%    136%     0%     4%    511%( 94%)

WAFL_XClean SM_Exempt Cifs Exempt SSAN_Ex Intr Host  Ops/s   CP
         0%        0%   0%   112%      0%  28% 201%  47111   0%

  • 由于 mgwd 和 vifmgr 进程的原因, HostOS 利用率较高。

 ::*> systemshell -node <NodeName> top
 ::*> systemshell -node <NodeName> ps auxww | head

 PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 6379 root 107 40 0 194M 40272K uwait 1 117.2H 59.47% vifmgr 2169 root 311 67 0 658M 148M uwait 1 174.3H 8.64% mgwd 


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