
如何对 Windows Active Directory 中的 LDAP 问题进行故障排除

Last Updated:




  • ONTAP 9


有关Active Directory LDAP 和集群模式Data ONTAP的更多详细和最新信息,请参见 TR-4073:《 安全统一身份验证》。

在集群模式下使用LDAP时、secd会利用mhost进程""。此过程负责用户身份验证(名称映射)。名称映射中出现的问题会记录到 /mroot/etc/mlog 文件中的secd日志中。


::*> diag secd trace set -node node-01 -module-names name-mapping -trace-all YES
Trace spec set successfully.

::*> diag secd trace show -node node-01
Trace Spec
TraceAll:                     Tracing all RPCs
Modules:                      NameMapping

中:此行为在Data ONTAP 7-模式中相同、其中 options cifs.trace_login 必须启用才能查看日志中的跟踪匹配失败。


Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |                                 TRACE MATCH                                  |
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |   RPC secd_rpc_map_name succeeded and is being dumped because of a tracing   |
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |                                  match on:                                   |
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |                                     All                                      |
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |                   RPC recevied at Thu Sep 15 16:55:38 2011                   |
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] |------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.032]  debug:  SecD RPC Server received RPC from MGMT.  RPC 351: secd_rpc_map_name  { in secd_prog_1() at server/secd_rpc_server.cpp:806 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.103]  debug:  Setting thread context. VServerId = 6, Protocol = NONE, lifId = 0  { in setThreadContext() at utils/secd_thread_data_manager.cpp:172 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.121]  debug:  secd_rpc_map_name_1_svc called with vserverid = 6  { in secd_rpc_map_name_1_svc() at name_mapping/secd_rpc_map_name.cpp:50 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.168]  debug:  Attempting to map name ldap using the cluster mapping store  { in getAppropriateWindowsToUnixMapping() at name_mapping/secd_name_mapping.cpp:385 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.207]  debug:  IDS_FROM_USER_NAME ldapInfoType requested.
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402]   { in getLdapInfoFromName() at authorization/secd_ldap_unix_authorization.cpp:552 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.239]  debug:  Looking for LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping) cache (key: "") in vserver 6  { in getConnectionCache() at connection_manager/secd_connection_cache.cpp:450 } 000000ad.0000150a 001db95a Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.255]  debug:  Looking for a connection to LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping)  { in getConnection() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:547 } 000000ad.0000150b 001db95a Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.268]  debug:  Acquiring a new LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping) connection; favoring cache  { in getBestConnection() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:716 } Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.282]  debug:  Did not find an available connection in the cache  { in getBestCachedConnection() at connection_manager/secd_connection_cache.cpp:224 } 000000ad.0000150d 001db95a Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.304]  debug:  Reserving a new LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping) server from discovery  { in getBestConnection() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:728 } 000000ad.0000150e 001db95a Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.324]  debug:  Created service key: 00000006..LDAP_NIS_AND_NAME_MAPPING  { in makeServiceKey() at server_discovery/secd_service_list.cpp:150 } Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.356]  debug:  Discovery returned (  { in getBestConnection() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:743 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.000.377]  debug:  Connecting to LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping) server  { in addStartConnectionJournal() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:462 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.002.652]  debug:  Successfully authenticated over LDAP with  { in connect<LdapConnectionState>() at connection_manager/secd_connection.cpp:971 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.002.688]  debug:  Connected to new LDAP (NIS & Name Mapping) service on  { in makeConnectionAttempt() at connection_manager/secd_connection_manager.cpp:846 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.002.929]  debug:  Searching LDAP for the "uidNumber, gidNumber" attribute(s) within base "CN=users,DC=domain,DC=com" (scope: -1) using filter: (&(objectClass=User)(sAMAccountName=ldap))  { in searchLdap() at utils/secd_ldap_utils.cpp:200 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.352]  ERR  :  1057 in searchLdap() at utils/secd_ldap_utils.cpp:215
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.386]  ERR  :  searchLdap: LDAP Error: (80): 'Internal (implementation specific) error':
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.399]  ERR  :  1057 in getLdapInfoFromName() at authorization/secd_ldap_unix_authorization.cpp:652
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.465]  debug:  Closing service handle; reporting status 1  { in ~SecdConnection() at ../bedrock/obj/x86_64/secd/../../../export/common/headers/include/secd/secd_connection.h:106 }
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.488]  ERR  :  1057 in getIdsFromUserName() at authorization/secd_ldap_unix_authorization.cpp:139
Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.505]  warn :  Failed to get an ID for name ldap using UNIX authorization source LDAP, Error: 1057; ignoring; will try next source  { in handleNameAuthResult() at authorization/secd_unix_authorization.cpp:68 } 000000ad.0000151a 001db95a Thu Sep 15 2011 16:55:38 -04:00 [kern_secd:info:2402] | [000.003.575]  debug:  SecD RPC Server sending reply to RPC 351: secd_rpc_map_name  { in secdSendRpcResponse() at server/secd_rpc_server.cpp:1093 }


  • LDAP名称映射失败以及正在尝试的用户
  • 用于映射用户的LDAP
  • 用于搜索的基础DN
  • 失败期间请求的属性
  • 使用的筛选器
  • 已联系LDAP服务器、并且连接是否正确
  • LDAP连接是否已缓存
  • 请求的Vserver ID


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