
在升级期间, ONTAP 无法从新映像引导

hw<a>ONTAP 升级</a><a>1070812</a><a>ONTAP 9.x</a>
Last Updated:


  • 内置FAS/AFA (非Cloud Volumes ONTAP)
  • 自动化无中断更新(ANDU)
  • 手动无中断更新(NDU)。



  • 在ONTAP 升级期间、系统会在控制台上报告 已异常关闭、并且未修改默认启动映像:

Warning:  A clean shutdown did not occur and the default boot
image was not modified.  To change the default boot image,
the operation must be followed by a clean shutdown.

  • 尝试 在节点重新启动以进行升级后向其进行恢复时:

Error: Failed to initiate giveback. Reason: HA partner RAID or WAFL label versions are older than this node's labels. Run the "system node image show" command to determine which image on the partner should be booted to be compatible with the local node.

  • 系统报告以下自动返回错误消息:

Auto-giveback canceled because the HA partner is using a lower Data ONTAP version than the local node.

  • 在自动无中断升级(ANDU)期间、ANDU会暂停并显示错误(映像版本可能有所不同):

The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Cluster "clus1" didn't boot with image "9.10.1P4".

  • 崩溃报告 无法识别根聚合文件系统的版本 (最有可能在还原期间发生):   

PANIC: This version of Data ONTAP does not recognize the filesystem of the root aggregate.




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